NOA 59 – Photos from the Villa Necchi Campiglio

The Villa Necchi Campiglio is located in central Milan.  The photos here were taken this past October.

An information panel at the site notes:  Surrounded by a large garden, including a tennis court and swimming pool, Villa Necchi Campiglio was created by Milanese architect Piero Portaluppi between 1932 and 1935.  The design introduces modernity into the traditional architecture of the urban villa.   Partially overhauled by Tomaso Buzzi in the post-war period, the interiors – which are perfectly preserved, even in the service areas – remain redolent of the vivacious society life and residential taste of the Milanese haute bourgeoisie of the period. 

The Villa is enriched yet further by the Claudia Gian Ferrrari Collection of the early 20th century artworks and by the Alighiero and Emilietta de’Micheli Collection of 18th century decorative art and paintings.