NOA 97 – On-site Progress in La Pêche

There were no on-site visits or progress in La Pêche from winter and the start of Covid 19, to July 1st.  The top two photos above are from July 1st, Canada Day.  The sweetgrass in the second image was planted last fall,  on November 11th.

The third to seventh photos, mostly views from the road,  were taken August 6th, September 25th, October 11th, October 18th, and last Sunday.

Only the last image above, taken at dusk in fading light, shows any real evidence of planning, or the on-site activity that took place over the previous few weeks.  The site plan is staked out, and trees have been identified for removal.  This particular perspective was proposed by a friend who helped with the work.  In future, this view from the road will present the east facade of the house, and obliquely the north facade and main entrance.  As progress advances on site, the intent would be to use this viewpoint to record activity and construction.

The two images below were also taken last Sunday.


Images can be viewed at a larger scale by clicking or double-clicking on them.

