NOA 117 – Wakefield Recent Studies – Work in progress

Images here are ‘work-in-progress’.  These would not typically be considered presentation material.

Most of shots are framed views, cropped with the intent to show what actually might be a real perspective on site once the house is finished.  A ‘View from the patio’ for example, or a ‘View from the road’.  They represent in a hard sketchy way, the most current design thinking.  Many of the elements though, are really placeholders, unresolved or only partially resolved – for example; window dimensions, use of interior or exterior colour, the structure at the exterior stairs, the patio glazed awning, etc. – all need additional study.

The lighting here is a Sketch-up default.  In these views, it would be representative of the sun in the south-west in mid or late afternoon; perhaps Spring or Fall.  Two sketch-up fog pictures are included – first and last.
