NOA 13 – Downhill Ski Environments – Mont Tremblant et d’autres. An Alternative Perspective

Mont Tremblant

The runs and lodge on the right (east) side in the photograph of Mont Tremblant above, are referred to, officially and by all, as the North Side.  To the left (west), the runs and the manufactured Disneyesque ski village is referred to as the South Side.  The runs and area towards the bottom (south) is called Soleil.  While one might be tempted to ask, did they not have a compass, I expect that there is some rational explanation or folk story of how the various sections of the hill were named.  The sequence of development , how the hill was originally accessed, or marketing may be part of this.  Or something else?


Le Massif de Charlevoix


Stateside Hotel and Baselodge


Whitehorn Bistro


Cliffhouse Bistro


Mont Norquay


Nakiska Resorts


Notes On Architecture 13 – Downhill Ski Environments – Mont Tremblant et d’autres.  An Alternative Perspective

Six of the seven images here are photographs of a MacBook Air laptop screen taken with an iphone or Sony ‘point-and-shoot’ camera.  In terms of process there is no significant manipulation of these ‘aerial’ photographs.

The soft effect in the second to last image is basically the outcome of blowing up a detail in a photo.  The resultant crop became unusually pixilated.