NOA 109 – A Zen Garden In Hull

In September of 2016, I was in Japan with a group of architecture students from the University of Calgary.  During the trip we meet with a monk, Shunmyo Toshiaki Masuno, at a monestary near Kamakura.  He was a master designer of Zen gardens and had completed many national and  international projects.  He mentioned that he had done a project at the Museum of Civilization (now renamed the Museum of History) in Gatineau, Quebec.  Since moving to Hull later in the Fall of 2016, I had made several inquiries about the Garden, including at the Museum itself, but did not have any luck in finding out where it was.  Recently walking through the Museum grounds, I came across a sign for the Garden which is located on an elevated terrace – not exactly a hidden garden, but not in plain sight either.

The photos below are from last Friday evening and yesterday.
