NOA 113 – Two Summer Country Drive-Ins

Photos below were taken in August in south-eastern Ontario.  The first five are of a drive-in in the Rideau Lakes.  The following four images were taken at a double screen drive-in in Prince Edward County.

Coincidentally, Disney’s Cruella was playing at both locations – though to be fair, as a recent release during the second summer of Covid, and as ‘light’ family entertainment, it does fit the bill for a summer country drive-in in 2021, at least for some.  Other viewing options included; Disney’s Jungle Cruise; two action films, Black Widow, and The Suicide Squad;  and a horror movie, Escape Room 2.  Action and horror apparently two other fitting genres for a night at a drive-in. Possibly of interest, the movie trailer links are included below.

The drive-in photos are all raw digital files from an i-phone, shown in the order taken.  While quality varies, these  can be enlarged by clicking or double-clicking  on them.

Trailer Links
