NOA 54 – Chutes Chaudière Falls – 09 2018

For many years, the only public view of the Chaudière Falls was from the Chaudière Bridge as seen above.  With the large scale development Zibi that is now underway, condominiums, retail and park space will be added on Albert and Chaudière Islands.  From the park, views to the falls that were previously restricted, are opened up.  The development strategy for the site includes adaptive reuse of existing industrial infrastructure, as well as new buildings.  This project, which straddles a provincial border, has partnerships with the local Algonquin.

The five shots above are from September 17 – evening

The images below are from September 22nd – morning.   As a suggestion, a small public viewing tower in the park might offer interesting perspectives of the falls, as well as views to the various man-made industrial water channels and the 1909 ring dam.

