NOA32 – Ice Rink on Parliament Hill

Photographs taken November 4th, 2017.  Note all images can be viewed at a larger scale by clicking on them.

The Parliament Hill Ice Rink is now under construction.  In the image above, the Centre Block and Peace Tower are in the Background.  The rink installation is part of Canada’s 150 celebrations.  Updates on this project will be added in later posts.  In the early planning stages, a proposal to host an NHL Winter Classic hockey game on the Hill had been considered, however based a number of logistic issues, that event will take place elsewhere in Ottawa.

View to the east with East Block in background

View to the west with West Block and Mackenzie Tower in background.


View from the Peace Tower with East Block to the left. To the right just off axis is 100 Wellington, a former embassy that is to be converted to an Indigenous Centre.  The purple square construction hoarding on the main walkway surrounds the Centennial Flame.  The flame was installed in 1967and is in the centre of a modest 12 sided fountain that features the 10 provinces and two territories that made up Canada’s federation in the centennial year.  The current project there, is to adjust the design to include Nunavut, Canada’s third Territory that became independent of the Northwest Territories in 1999.
