NOA34 – Ice Rink on Parliament Hill – Update

Note – images can be viewed at a larger scale by clicking or double clicking on them.

November 23rd – Rink on Parliament Hill.

The building that shows behind the ice rink here was formerly known as the Langevin Block.  It was announced by the Prime Minister on June 21st, National Aboriginal Day, that the building would be renamed.  Until there is an official change, the  temporary designation for the building is the Office of the Prime Minister and Privy Council.


November 23rd – The Centennial Flame

The Centennial Flame which is adjacent to the rink on Parliament Hill, is undergoing a renovation project.  The project will recognize the latest canadian territory realignment – which created Nunavut.  The new territory will have presence among the 10 provinces and two territories that have been featured here for the last fifty years – since Canada’s Centennial year 1967.  The image above is from the construction hoarding at the site.  It shows the proposed updated design with 13 sides.


December 1st – Dusk      The ice rink on Parliament Hill with the East Block behind


December 1st – Dusk   Detail

