NOA26 – Saturday – Little Clear Lake + A Wood

Photos here are from a recent canoe camping trip to Frontenac Provincial Park.  Overall lots of good and interesting things seen and done – and with good people.  Some of this was  photographed, shots by me and others.  A number of the images here are wood benches and tables at the campsite that have markings on them.  In some cases, there is a richness of colour and simplicity of pattern that has a graphic quality.  These could be reduced or blown-up as a graphic.  The subject matter of markings on wood is somewhat random but still of interest, and with the potential for narrative.  Mostly the marks consisted of names and initials but there were also burns, a simple star symbol, and an A in a circle for Anarchy.  One of the markings photographed appeared to have been recent – but many were old, and there was no offense.